MBARK is always looking for ways to bring new ideas to our industry and superior services to our customers. In that spirit, we have spent years developing a revenue stream for the woody species that grow in west-central Texas to prevent wasting a resource that God has so abundantly provided for us.
MBARK is proud to offer wood harvesting for our customers in addition to conventional land clearing that we have done since we started. You may be asking yourself several questions about our new services and wondering if this is something that might be a good fit for your property.
Wood harvesting is a process where we take the Mesquite grown on a customer’s land and process it into a marketable product. The end result is the same as conventional land clearing.
Wood harvesting is much the same as conventional land clearing except the landowner gets to reap the value of their Mesquite crop to help offset the cost of conventional clearing.
The savings from wood harvesting varies. We perform an onsite visit with you and discuss your property goals to determine how much the total job might cost and how much wood harvesting will save you.
If there is any drawback-it is most likely that the increment of time will be longer than a conventional land clearing.
If you would like to get more information about Wood Harvesting by MBARK simply call and we can stop by to discuss the possibilities for your property!